Atlantic Tour Tidbits – Part X: Magnificent Hopewell Rocks

Atlantic Tour Tidbits – Part X: Magnificent Hopewell Rocks

Our recent trip to Eastern Canada included a visit to the popular Hopewell Park. The stars of the show there are the Hopewell Rocks.
diamond rock 2
Our visit took place sometime between high and low tides, so the rock bases weren’t visible. At low tide, the thin columns hardly look strong enough to hold the weight of the giant monoliths, and there have been collapses in the past.
This formation is the Diamond Rock.
diamond rock
The park trails take hikers to various vantage points where there is a new point of interest to experience and photograph.
flowerpot rocks 2The Flowerpot Rocks also have slim columns that are visible at low tide. You can just see the top of the columns beginning to appear.

rock 1
half hidden rock 2
And some rocks come into view only if the visitor remains alert, and observant.

looking down at the caves
At low tide visitors are allowed to walk the seabed. We were about halfway down the stairs to the caves, but were stopped by a warning sign, on a chain, that blocked our way. Some pigeons were feasting on the small delicacies left on the seabed as the tide receded.


The brown water is a result of mud and silt mixing with sea water in the constant churning brought about by the world’s fastest and highest tides in this, the Fundy Region of New Brunswick.

12 thoughts on “Atlantic Tour Tidbits – Part X: Magnificent Hopewell Rocks

  1. Wow – such a beautiful area. Loved all the rock formations. The coast of Oregon has some great rock formations. I see why they had a chain to stop you from going down – a person would need to be very careful with those tides.

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